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Lone Sage Bird Dogs- Training your bragging-rights bird dog

Lone Sage Bird Dogs (LSBD) LLC, offers premium and personalized training for your upland dogs here in the picturesque Treasure Valley of Southern Idaho.  Our back yard is the jumping off point for what most consider the Upland Mecca.  In these rugged canyons dogs and hunters are put to the test.  We work hard every day to ensure your pup is up to the challenge. So if you have hopes of getting your four legged hunting partner to be a bragging rights wild bird dog, we are your professional trainers.

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

In a high level look at our blueprint to building a bird dog,  we believe that you start out with proven genetics.  Ensure your puppy comes from parents that display the traits you are desiring.  Once you bring new puppy home its time to socialize, socialize, and socialize.  After 16 weeks of age we suggest proper introduction to birds, proper gun acclimation, and train the HERE command.  By this time it should be fall and its your job as the handler to get your pup onto wild birds as much as possible in his rookie season.  Wild birds build top flight bird dogs.  With a hunting season under his belt, its now time to to break him out and train him to be steady to wing, shot, and release.  The second hunting season is more wild birds while enforcing and demanding steadiness on birds.  Even though you might not harvest as many birds as usual in season two, it will pay huge dividends down the road.  There are a million ways to do it half-ass'ed, there is only one way to do it perfect...DH

Paying it forward

Paying it forward

I did not become a dog trainer overnight.  Most of my free time over the past 20 years was spent chasing wild birds.  During this time I became friends with several top tier dog men.  They showed me the ropes, let me help out, sometimes what not to do, and answered my never ending questions.  The lessons learned with these trainers cannot be learned in books or from the gram.  You have to put hands on dogs.  Period.  I have made many mistakes in my training evolution, and remain humble that there is always something out there that could be a better way.  You have to remain a student of the game.  And just as the ones before me passed on their wisdom, I try to do the same and help out the new handlers  coming up the ranks.  Thank you to all those people who helped me along way.